VYPE 411: Klein Oak's Elizabeth Winkler

Elizabeth Winkler recently won the HOU Public School Preseason Girls XC Runner of the Year Fan Poll. VYPE caught up with Winkler for the 411 on the star from Klein Oak High School.

VYPE: How long have you been running Cross Country and how did you get your start?

Winkler: I have been running cross country for about four years, starting in 7th grade. My interest in distance running started thru competing in triathlons with Journey Multi Sport Triathlon Team in the 6th grade. I quickly figured out that my favorite part of a triathlon was running. So, I joined the cross country team at Krimmel Intermediate. Without Coach Gresham pushing me to run with the guys at practice I wouldn't be where I am today.

VYPE: Go-to pre run meal? Routine?

Winkler: My Go-To pre run meal is usually carbs; oatmeal with brown sugar, or a bagel with peanut butter, a cup of water or Gatorade. After a workout I have chocolate milk and a protein like an egg white omelette. For me it's all about being fueled for a run to prevent injuries. My morning routine is to get dressed, make breakfast, pet my dog, stretch and then get ready for whatever run I have for that day!

VYPE: Favorite subject in school?

Winkler: My favorite subject in school is math because it clicks easiest for me. Math is like a puzzle, but it has rules and it has structure.

VYPE: What's your biggest strength? Or What do You Bring to Your Team?

Winkler: My biggest strength is my attitude. As athletes we have good days and bad days but I choose to have a positive attitude and that can change everything.

VYPE: What is your favorite thing to do outside of running?

Winkler: My favorite thing to do when not running is swimming or biking with friends and family and binge watching shows.

VYPE:. What has been your greatest HS memory so far?

Winkler: My greatest high school memory was getting to go to The Region 2 Championships as an entire team unit. Every one of my teammates had worked really hard together. It was rewarding to see all of the early mornings and many miles pay off and the opportunity to share that race with my teammates is a special memory we all forever share . Traveling together was really fun because we got to get to know each other better outside of practice, and become closer as a team. This year we have some strong new runners and a new coach, Coach Shock, who can bring a lot to the team and I can't wait to see what we will accomplish this year!