Preseason Public School Boys basketball player of the year presented by Academy Sports + Outdoors: Mansfield Legacy's Isaiah Manning

After a successful season last year and a brand new season ahead, Isaiah Manning has a lot to look forward to. The junior small forward out of Mansfield Legacy started the year as the VYPE DFW Preseason Public School Basketball Player Fan Poll winner and looks ahead to having a great season. VYPEDFW was able to catch up with Manning ahead of the season in an exclusive interview:


Having already spent two full seasons with the team, Manning has been given the opportunity to make a lot of really great memories. One of his best memories comes from sharing a great experience on the court with the rest of his team. "During my freshman year- one of the juniors at the time- John Muhammad hit a game winning three-pointer and the excitement in the arena was just amazing," Manning told VYPE. Since then, Manning has always driven himself towards success on and off the court for Mansfield Legacy to include a pretty great season last year.

"The secret to my success last season was being myself as a player," Manning said. "The thing that makes me hard to guard is my versatility and coach did a great job of giving me a number of sets to thrive in, so I was able to play through whatever mismatch there was- whether it was a lack of size, agility, speed, etc. at my position. This year, [my success] will be about facing adversity. With the recognition gained over the course of last season and the summer, teams will start to scout against me more. So, it's going to be about finding new ways to exploit the defense when they already have a bit of an idea on what's coming."

As far as the team's success last season? Manning says the most important part was "just staying true to the grind. We were able to be successful because we knew that the season was a complete effort and we never slacked- at any point- during the year. This year, it's going to be more challenging for us to stay locked in due to the success and 'hype' that we had last year. So, I think it's all about staying humble and going into each game with the mentality that it is going to be a fight."

Staying Focused on Season Ahead:

There's no doubt that success on the court can bring a lot of attention. Sometimes with that attention, it can be difficult to stay focused. Manning doesn't let himself get off-track during the offseason, though. "I stay focused during the offseason by working out regularly, particularly physically to develop my body. Then, I make sure that I am getting in the gym daily to work on my craft and keep my skills up," Manning said.

"My mindset going into this season is that I need to be a leader and have positive energy. As a junior who has been on the team now for the past two years, I have more experience than most of our players. I think being there for them on the court as well as emotionally supporting them will be very important to our team's success."

With a great mindset, it's easy to make sure you set and achieve goals each season. This season, Manning has high expectations for himself and his team. "My individual goals this year are to win the district MVP, average 20 points and 10 rebounds, and have a game with over 10 assists," Manning told VYPE. "Our team goal this year is to win the UIL Class 5A State Championship."

This season has a lot of great things in store, but Manning is already looking forward to something in particular: "I am looking forward to our home games," he said. "A lot of the students and fans have been anticipating this season for a long time, so being able to play in front of them at home should be amazing. It should definitely produce some high-energy games that are fun to be a part of."

A Bright Future:

Manning is currently uncommitted, but is keeping his options open when looking for a college program. With the intent to major in journalism, Manning is looking for good qualities in a future home. "I am looking for a program with a family environment that plays fast-paced. Also, a program that is known for outstanding wing play, where I could come in and have an immediate impactful role on the team. Just a program that fits me best."

Coach's Comments:

Mansfield Legacy basketball coach Cornelius Mitchell had positive things to say about Manning and his impact on the team. "One of the things that sticks out about Isaiah is his desire to improve and willingness to learn, train, and improve. It will be great to see him continue his growth over the next few years."

Fun Questions:

Who is your favorite professional sports team?
"The Atlanta Braves."

Who do you look up to as an athlete?
"Giannis Antetokounmpo because of his backstory and his work ethic that got him to the NBA."

If you could go to dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be? What would you hope to talk about?
"Bill Russell. Bill Russell is one of the greatest winners in the history of basketball, so I'd just like to hear some of his insight about what it takes to win that much."

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