DFW Gridiron Players of Week 5 presented by Boost Mobile

Check out which athletes earned the title of Gridiron Players of the Week presented by Boost Mobile. VYPE takes nominations from coaches across the city and then picks the Top 5 performances to honor.

If you don't see your athlete's top performance on the list be sure to send nominations to @VYPEDFW on Twitter after every game!


1. RB EJ Smith (Dallas Jesuit): 12 rush, 144 yds, 3 TDs

2. RB Nasir Reynolds (Dallas Hillcrest): 21 rush, 270 yds, 4 TDs

3. QB Nathan Greek (Argyle Liberty Christian): 25-39 pass, 396 yds, 6 TDs

4. WR Daniel Calabrese (Colleyville Covenant): 10 rec, 319 yds, 4 TDs

5. QB Zach Mundell (Arlington Martin): 15-17 pass, 206 yds, 1 TD; 134 yds, 3 TDs