VYPE Q&A: Get to know Frisco Reedy QB AJ Padgett

Class of 2020 quarterback AJ Padgett takes center stage this week in VYPE's Q&A. Padgett was the winner of VYPE DFW's Football Player of the Week Fan Poll for Week 8. Through 9 games this season, Padgett has compiled 2,044 yards and 18 touchdowns through the air, and has added a team-leading 340 yards and 6 TDs rushing.

VYPE sat down with the junior to get to know the player, and the man a bit better.

VYPE: How long have you been playing football, and how did you get your start?

AJ: I started playing football in 2nd grade. I had the opportunity to start this year since the guy ahead of me moved to another school.

VYPE: As a QB, what do you believe is your most important skillset and why?

AJ: I would say I have a really sneaky athleticism. When you look at me I may not look like a running threat, but I can definitely get it done on the ground. It catches teams off guard.

VYPE: If you were able to go pro in any sport BESIDES football, what would it be?

AJ: If I were to go pro in a sport other than football I'd have to choose basketball, I don't play anymore, but I still have fun with it.

VYPE: Breakdown your Gameday/pre-game routine? Do you have any go-to meals or pump-up songs?

AJ: On game days I stay off my phone for the majority of the day, it keeps me focused and helps me have my mind in the right place. I also make sure to stay hydrated. In terms of music, I listen to whatever is playing in the locker room, I was never really one to put my headphones in and just sit and listen.

VYPE: What is your favorite subject in school?

AJ: I definitely lean towards math as a favorite subject, I've just understood it for the most part throughout school.

VYPE: Which player on Reedy do you feel is the most underrated? Also, who do you view as the funniest teammate?

AJ: Most underrated teammate I have is Cam Hardy. He is an absolute lockdown corner. He should have offers from all over the country. Funniest teammate is probably Sami Qawasmi.

VYPE: What area of your game do you think needs the most improvement?

AJ: I would say that I need to step into my throws a little better. My arm is plenty strong but sometimes I anticipate a hit too early.

VYPE: What has been your favorite football moment this season? What about your entire football career?

AJ:My favorite moment from this year was against (Frisco) Independence when on third and medium in the 4th quarter we called a quarterback run which resulted in a touchdown, iced the game. My favorite moment of my career was freshman year when we ran "Philly Special" for the win against Frisco on our freshman team.

VYPE: Lastly, what are your ultimate goals in football? Where do you see your self in the next 5-10 years?

AJ: My goal is to have my education paid for, I definitely see myself as a college football player.