HEY SENIORS: Your future unclear? That's okay

Okay seniors, here is VYPE’s last bit of advice before we send you on your way.

Reboot. Reinvent. Repeat.

What legacy did you leave the last four years? Did you do it big? Did you peak? Did you feel invisible? I bet more than half felt invisible. Well, good news. Your legacy could be right on your horizon… or you might need time to find yourself.

As one page turns, another begins.

A decade ago, there seemed to one SUPER HIGHWAY… college, armed forces or work. Now, paths are all over the place. What will yours be?

There is a 95-percent chance that you have no idea. That’s okay.

I have a kid. She graduated college and is off in the work force.

She told me the other day, “I don’t really know what my purpose is.”

As a parent, that can hit hard. You try and fix it with YOUR ideas. You try and motivate, but that time has come and gone.

I looked back on my life. At the same age, I had no idea what my passion was. I was in lab safety sales in southeast Texas. Like, what?

I talked to her twin brother. Same thing. Trying to figure it out while ginding in the finance world. Our youngest is off to college, with no concrete plan of what she wants to make of her future.

So, what does that mean to you?

You are entering a big change in your life. Your bad days may outnumber your good days. You are going to feel alone, out of your comfort zone and filled with anxiety and doubt.


Ease your minds, no one has it figured out and if they say they do, they are lying.

But, you have to start your path somewhere. Take some chances. Be bold. Make mistakes. Do it when you are young. Fail forward and learn, but look through a lens of POSITIVITY.

Let me give you this perspective. You have another TWO lifetimes to live. You will figure it out, but you have to keep your eyes open.

In the mean time, take it easy on yourself. Life is a journey, but we are all trying to rush to the next milestone. Yours, included.

Build relationships along the way. Be open, vulnerable and real, and you will be just fine. The biggest key… believe in yourself. Even if you think you have nothing going for you and can’t see up… you have worth. NEVER FORGET THAT.

Take if from VYPE. Here’s your pat on the back, now go get’em.