VYPE San Antonio Softball Top 10 Rankings: Week of 03/22/2021 presented by Academy Sports + Outdoors
Each week VYPE's own Joshua Waclawczyk and Scott Terrell sit down and take a look at the teams from each area and rank them based on their super-secret formula. Rankings of the top Baseball and Softball programs in the area are then broken up into 5A-6A, 1A-4A, and Private Schools. Will you agree with our rankings? Most assuredly not. After all, these are just our opinions and we are sure there are much smarter people out there that may have better opinions/rankings. So if you have your own thoughts on these rankings let us know on Twitter (@vypesatx) and Instagram (@vypesatx).
We've got another helping of San Antonio Softball rankings! Going forward we will release Baseball Rankings Monday and Softball Rankings Tuesday. We have some shake-ups in the rankings so scroll on down to see what happened.
**NOTE: Our rankings are based on the information we have on hand. Send us a message if you feel your school is not being represented and let us see what we can do!
Let's check out the rankings!
We have a new team in the rankings this week. MacArthur sees itself in the rankings this week as Madison falls out. This is based on the information we found and as we get better information this could end up changing in coming weeks. Warren and Judson are still top of the class with Champion right behind them. Medina Valley takes a tumble but could rise again next week.
Charlotte, Navarro and Dilley all see tumbles in this week rankings. Navarro sees the biggest tumble with the losses we saw from them. Some may argue Shiner should be ranked since they did beat Charlotte twice, but we are working to see if the schedule we have from them is complete. Until we can verify they still just outside the rankings.
Fredericksburg and Boerne still remain at the top with games versus one another on the horizon.
The top 4 stays the same this week with the number 5 slot having a new team, San Antonio Christian.
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